While we are all busy, there is always time for a Pub Crawl! Recently, the I-DEEL lab – joined by other lab groups at UNSW – embarked on a night out in the town to experience Sydney’s wonderful pub and bar scene. All up, we were a group of about 15 people, including members from the Cornwell, Brooks and Kasumovic labs.
The Goals: What would be a pub crawl without a few goals? To make things fun, we set out a list of potential pubs throughout the city that we wanted to explore, with the goal of hitting at least 10 by the end of the evening. At each pub, we all had to enjoy a single beverage and then move on to the next. Of course, some of us drank faster than others….so that goal was achieved fairly quickly by some.
Where did we get to? Given our group size we managed to hit quite a few places by the end of the night. Our adventures started at a local favourite and the group meandered down Oxford street, sampling along the way. The list of places and some pictures include: