Samantha Burke
Email: samantha(-dot-)burke(-at-)unsw(-dot-)edu(-dot-)au
I joined the I-DEEL lab in February 2020 to start a PhD program with Shinichi Nakagawa, Tracey Rogers, and Szymek Drobniak. My project will focus on the impact of climate change on marine organisms with connections to phenotypic plasticity and ageing. Using meta-analyses and secondary synthesis, my PhD will examine how phenotypic plasticity may influence organisms’ responses to climate change, and in turn, how climate change may influence an organism’s plasticity. |
Research Interests
I am interested in the intersectionality of anthropogenic impacts and ecology. I would like to specifically examine how climate change such as ocean acidification and warming is impacting marine ecosystems. Through meta-analyses I hope to understand what the significant impacts on marine life are from the rapidly changing climate.
Past Education
I completed a BSc in Biological Sciences with a concentration in Marine Biology at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, USA. I completed an honours thesis under Dr. William E Bemis on oral tooth morphology and replacement in triggerfishes and filefishes.
Bemis KE, SM Burke, CA St. John, EJ Hilton, and WE Bemis. 2019. Tooth development and replacement in the Atlantic Cutlassfish, Trichiurus lepturus, with comparisons to other Scombroidei. Journal of Morphology 280:78-94.
Other Interests
When I’m not conducting research, I like to spend time at the beach snorkelling or scuba diving. I also love to listen to and create music.
I am interested in the intersectionality of anthropogenic impacts and ecology. I would like to specifically examine how climate change such as ocean acidification and warming is impacting marine ecosystems. Through meta-analyses I hope to understand what the significant impacts on marine life are from the rapidly changing climate.
Past Education
I completed a BSc in Biological Sciences with a concentration in Marine Biology at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, USA. I completed an honours thesis under Dr. William E Bemis on oral tooth morphology and replacement in triggerfishes and filefishes.
Bemis KE, SM Burke, CA St. John, EJ Hilton, and WE Bemis. 2019. Tooth development and replacement in the Atlantic Cutlassfish, Trichiurus lepturus, with comparisons to other Scombroidei. Journal of Morphology 280:78-94.
Other Interests
When I’m not conducting research, I like to spend time at the beach snorkelling or scuba diving. I also love to listen to and create music.