Patrice Pottier
Email: p(-dot-)pottier(-at-)unsw(-dot-)edu(-dot-)au
I joined the I-DEEL lab in early 2020 as a Scientia PhD student with Shinichi, Szymek Drobniak and Tracey Rogers. My research aims to investigate the senescence of phenotypic plasticity and its interplay with climate change. Using mainly meta-analyses, we will not only reveal how phenotypic plasticity could confer resilience to climate change but also how, in turn, climate change could alter ageing and plasticity. Outside of science, I spend most of my time exploring Sydney surroundings, exercising, snorkeling, and eating the awesome vegan food of Sydney. |
Research Interests
While my research interests are broad, my current focus is to estimate animals’ responses to changing environments. I am also keen to study the evolution of life-history traits, with an emphasis on behaviour. I am a question-driven person and I aim to create an inter-disciplinary lab in the future.
Past Education
Before joining Shinichi’s lab, I did my BSc and MSc at the University of Tours (France) where I studied the evolution of aggressive behaviours in parasitoid wasps with Marlene Goubault and Anthony Mathiron. Then, I moved overseas and joined Ryan Earley’s lab at the University of Alabama (USA) for 8 months. For this project, I investigated fish behavioural and physiological responses to endocrine disrupting compounds
Other Interests
I enjoy a healthy and eco-friendly lifestyle consisting mainly in exploring Australian wilderness, exercising, snorkeling and discovering the vegan food scene of Sydney. French by birth, I am eager to learn new cultures and build friendly relationships.
More Information
While my research interests are broad, my current focus is to estimate animals’ responses to changing environments. I am also keen to study the evolution of life-history traits, with an emphasis on behaviour. I am a question-driven person and I aim to create an inter-disciplinary lab in the future.
Past Education
Before joining Shinichi’s lab, I did my BSc and MSc at the University of Tours (France) where I studied the evolution of aggressive behaviours in parasitoid wasps with Marlene Goubault and Anthony Mathiron. Then, I moved overseas and joined Ryan Earley’s lab at the University of Alabama (USA) for 8 months. For this project, I investigated fish behavioural and physiological responses to endocrine disrupting compounds
Other Interests
I enjoy a healthy and eco-friendly lifestyle consisting mainly in exploring Australian wilderness, exercising, snorkeling and discovering the vegan food scene of Sydney. French by birth, I am eager to learn new cultures and build friendly relationships.
More Information